GCD Checking - using Division Method

For Example :  We have accepted two number i.e. 24 & 18. In this case we follow Successive Division Method. 

18 | 24 | 1                
      6 | 18 | 3          
The Final Result of GCD Will be : 6

import java.util.*; class GCD { int check_GCD(int x, int y)//Check GCD using Division Method { int r; while(y > 0) { r = x % y; x = y; y = r; } return(x); } public static void main(String args[]) { int a,b,n; Scanner sc=new Scanner(; GCD ob=new GCD(); System.out.println("Enter Two Number for GCD = "); a=sc.nextInt(); b=sc.nextInt(); n=ob.check_GCD(a,b); System.out.println("GCD = "+n); } }

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